My first Eid Mubarak celebration after 4 years. Oh well, fine. I did celebrate it at home for 2 days 2 years ago but that really doesn't count. Eid Mubarak is after all a month celebration. I'm home for good and good riddance, no more boring celebrations abroad.
Went back to Papa's home at Kemaman, Terengganu and I was super excited to just be around everyone! Family visits, fancy traditional clothing, traditional home cooked meals and of course a day where we forgive and forget. Ain't that a wholesome plan y'all!
Arman and Harris, both my nephews wearing Kopiah, although those didn't stay on top for long.
When will I ever have awesome hair on first day of Eid Mubarak?
Oh honey, this ain't the whole lot.
Someone's getting grumpy
Forgive and forget. Even the lil ones are in it.
Haha. Had to put this random shot in. Don't worry, that gun is fake. Thanks Tokki for being cool.
Nothing beats a family gathering. I had so much fun visiting cousins, mingling and just embracing the festivity. I can't wait to have friends over my place and me visiting theirs. Wait for more Eid Mubarak post babies, oh yes. I'm planning to keep you up to date.
To end this post, Happy Eid Mubarak peeps! Hit it!
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