I've graduated! Three years of hard core studying and pulling my hair out is finally over. No more course works, no more dissertation and no more group works, YES! The only thing I'll miss is ma girls and the award ceremony was definitely the perfect way to bring all of us together one final time.
We had our ceremony at the Bridgewater Hall and thank god the weather was on our side that day. Here are some photos from my graduation ceremony! So glad everyone that matters came to support me especially mami and papa! A definite proud moment if I have to say so myself! Enjoy the photos sweethearts.
Decided to go for a traditional ensemble that day. What a better way to show the rest where you came from, being proud of who you are and that you made it!
Salute to dearest boyfie for helping me with all the photos and being there for me.
Two of my dearest friends who stuck by me through everything!
and of course finally....
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